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Splendid Spring Festivals for 700 Children From Underprivileged Backgrounds

Throughout the month of April, Children Now held 3 Spring Festivals for a total of 700 children from low-income backgrounds. The events took place in primary schools Barclay in Montreal, Cardinal-Roy in Trois-Rivières and Marie-Renouard in Quebec City; where the school gymnasiums were decorated into a magical Spring fairyland. The children, aged 4 to 8 years old, participated in a splendid day of fun filled with animated shows, arts and crafts workshops, inflatable games, and a chocolate egg hunt. They enjoyed delicious meals and received various gifts to take home.

We would like to thank all of the donors, sponsors, volunteers, partners, and the entire Children Now team for their collective participation in making these event a wonderful success.

We invite you to watch the video and photos of the events below to catch a glimpse of the fun! In addition, for the videos in Trois Rivières and Quebec visit: and respectively.

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