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Children Meditating

Mindful Moments with Dr Kenford Nedd

Dealing with uncertainty during the Coronavirus Pandemic by helping youth manage anxiety and stress


Children Now is committed to helping Children and families cope with the uncertainty and anxiety resulting from the pandemic and enhancing the mental health and well-being of Children. That is why Children Now is introducing “Mindful Moments with Dr. Nedd.” Each week a short video will be posted where Dr. Nedd, an internationally renowned physician and specialist in managing stress and anxiety, will offer teachable moments to children to help them cope with the anxiety and uncertainty brought on by the pandemic.

About the Program

About the Program

Helping youth manage anxiety and stress through resilience

These weekly messages with Dr Nedd will be empowering and will instil the importance of resiliency in managing not only the challenges brought by the pandemic but obstacles that will confront young persons throughout their lives.


These online messages will teach our youth the following;


  • How to understand  the role of uncertainty in life;

  • Learning to cope with uncertainty;

  • How to Take action over the things you can control;

  • Challenge the need for certainty;

  • Learn to accept uncertainty;

  • How to: Manage stress and anxiety;

  • How to build resiliency while confronting adversity.

Mindful Moment Capsules
About Dr Kenford Nedd

Meet Dr Kenford Nedd

Image by Qingbao Meng

Dr Kenford Nedd is a medical doctor practicing in the field of family and behavioural medicine and treats stress related disorders in both corporate and clinical settings. In his capacity as President of the International Stress Control Centre, he treats patients from various countries with anxiety, headache, pain and stress disorders.


Dr. Nedd is also an internationally renowned keynote speaker. His keynotes are seasoned with scientific flair and humour that inspire leadership, innovation, creativity, personal effectiveness and self-mastery. This keynote speaker has been featured as one of the Top 10 Speakers in America by the American Society of Association Executives, along with Tom Peters, and Maya Angelou. Dr. Nedd has received standing ovations and resounding responses from such prestigous groups as a Conference of Mayors of the United States, American Airlines, American Hospital Association, AT&T, Prime Ministers and their Cabinet Members, Alcan, Barclays Bank, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Brokers Associations, Universities, and many more. 

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